Katherine Chopin: A Pair of Silk Stockings - page 07 |
English | Français | ||
There were
books and magazines piled up in the window
of a stall a few paces down the street. Mrs.
Sommers bought two high-priced magazines such
as she had been accustomed to read in the
days when she had been accustomed to other
pleasant things. She carried them without
wrapping. As well as she could she lifted
her skirts at the crossings. Her stockings
and boots and well fitting gloves had worked
marvels in her bearing--had given her a feeling
of assurance, a sense of belonging to the
well-dressed multitude.
She was very hungry. Another time she would have stilled the cravings for food until reaching her own home, where she would have brewed herself a cup of tea and taken a snack of anything that was available. But the impulse that was guiding her would not suffer her to entertain any such thought. There was a restaurant at the corner. She
had never entered its doors; from the outside
she had sometimes caught glimpses of spotless
damask and shining crystal, and soft-stepping
waiters serving people of fashion. |
les fenetres d' un magazin quelques pas
descendant la rue il il y avait des livres
et des journaux entassé. Mrs Sommer
achetait deux journaux bon marché,
ceux dont elle était accoutumé
à lire au temps quand elle était
accoutumé à d' autres plaisir
aussi. Elle était affamé. Normalement elle suprimerait son désir de manger jusqu' à ce qu' elle soit arrivé chez lui, où elle se ferait une tasse de thé et prendrait un snack, quelque chose que s' y trouve par hazard. Mais le sentiment qui le dirigeait ne la laissait meme pas penser à ca. Un restaurant se trouvait au coin. Jusqu'
à maintenant elle n' y avait jamais
entrer. De dehors elle avait jeter un coup
d' oeil sur le damask impecable, les verres
brillants et les servants silencieux servant
des gens habillés à la mode.
vocabulary | vocabulaire | |
to pile up | entasser | |
stall | le magazin | |
to accustom oneself to sth. | s' accoutumer à quelque chose | |
wrapping | l' empaquetage | |
marvel | le miracle | |
assurance | l' assurance | |
craving | le désir | |
to brew | rechauffer | |
glimpse | le regard | |
waiter | le servant | |
fashion | la mode |
contact mentions légales déclaration de protection de donnée |