Le tableau ci-dessous
montrent quelques expressions idiomatiques qui, si on
les traduisait littéralement, seraient assez
rigolos ou bizarres. Nous soulignons que la liste ne
pas du tout complète et qu' elle est complètement
arbitraire, les exemples ont été selectionné
parce qu´ils plaisent à l' auteur.
to shake a leg
to be a
stick in the mud
higgledy piggledy
to make a mountain out of a molehill
to be for the birds
to be all thumbs
to be yellow
to be green (with envy)
to cry/scream blue murder
to bite the dust
to lend a hand to somebody
to be hand in glove with somebody
to have a finger in the pie
to have a finger in every pie
to go postal
to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds
to be between the devil and the deep blue sea
a dog's breakfast/dinner
the world is your oyster
to be a pain in the butt
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