Katherine Chopin: A Pair of Silk Stockings - page 10 |
English | Français |
The play was
over, the music ceased, the crowd filed out.
It was like a dream ended. People scattered
in all directions. Mrs. Sommers went to the
corner and waited for the cable car.
A man with keen eyes, who sat opposite to her, seemed to like the study of her small, pale face. It puzzled him to decipher what he saw there. In truth, he saw nothing-unless he were wizard enough to detect a poignant wish, a powerful longing that the cable car would never stop anywhere, but go on and on with her forever.
La pièce termina, la musique éteignit et le publique sortit du theatre. C' était comme si un reve s' était terminé. La foule se dissipait dans toutes les directions. Mrs Sommer alla au coin de la rue et attendait le tram. Un homme avec des yeux vigilants, qui était
assis en face d' elle, semblait sentir un
plaisir en regardant son petit visage pale.
Il ne pouvait |
vocabulary | vocabulaire |
to cease | terminer |
to scatter | dissiper |
cable car | le tram |
keen | assidu |
decipher | déchifrer |
wizard | le magicien |
poignant | mélancolique |
longing | le désir |
contact mentions légales déclaration de protection de donnée |