9.5 Résumé


1) Chaque temps a un temps continu (progressive / continuous form).

2) La forme continue peut être considérée comme une sous-forme du temps respectif.
3) Les formes continues décrivent une action comme quelque chose qui est en train de se passer et correspond pour autant plus au moins à la construction être + en train de + infinitif.
4) On forme les temps continus avec la forme to be correspondante et le participe I (infinitif + ing)
5) Le simple past continuous sert à décrire une action dans laquelle est inserée une autre action.

I had been sleeping, when I suddenly heart someone knocking at the window.
=> Il ne dort plus.

Le simple past continuous décrit une action du passé avec une certaine durée et qui a été interrompue par une autre action du passé.

He was sleeping, when she entered the room.
=> Il était en train de dormir avant qu' elle soit rentrée et il a continué à dormir.

Le present perfect continuous décrit une action qui a commencé dans le passé proche, qui est interrompue par une action du présent ou qui continue dans le présent.

a) Today I have been working the whole day, I am tired now, I need a break.
=> Il ne travaille plus.

b) He has been running the whole day through the garden and if nothing happens, he will do that until tomorrow.
=> Il continue à courir.

Exemples to study verbe auxiliaire de mode négation
simple present you study you can study you do not study
you cannot study
present continuous you are studying you can be studying you are not studying
you cannot be studiying
simple past you studied you could study you did not study
you could not study
you were studying you could be studying you were not studying
you could not be studying
present perfect you have studied you can have studied you have not studied
you could not have studied
present perfect continuous you have been studying you can have been studying you have not been studying
you could not have been studying
past perfect you had studied you could had studied you had not studied
past perfect continuous you had been studying you could had been studying you had not been studying

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